Kefas Satriya Permana
Kefas Satriya Permana
My works


Kefas Satriya Permana
Kefas Satriya Permana was born in Sragen, Central Java, Indonesia on September 24 th 1986. He has finished his bachelor degree in Faculty of Performing Arts of Satya WacanaChristian University (SWCU) , Salatiga , Indonesia in 2012. He taught by Mr. Agastya Rama Listya, Mr. Poedji Soesila,Mr. Paulus Dwihananto, however he is also being taught by Bagus Gangsar Wibisono.In Faculty of Performing Arts, he concentrates on Music Compositionand Arrangement.  
He continued his study in music at Master Degree ISI Surakarta. 

He also joins Vocal Group Lentera Kasih, Ashira Brothers, Ashira Choir, and Voice of SWCU, a campus choir and KAKUATI Kr(progressive keroncong). And the lates he joined Batavia Madrigal Singer in 2017. He is a founder of VOXA UKRIDA Jakarta, and now with Laksana Swara Palangkaraya University Choir as a Choir Director. Kefas has got some achievements in regional, national and international competition along his journey in music

He is now working as a lecturer at Palangkaraya University Indonesia and also choir music instructor in Indonesia. He is an active composer and arranger for choir music, orchestra and music ensemble.

1.3rd Runner up SEAMEO (South East AsiaMinistry of Education Organization) Song Writing Contest 2011.

2.Composer for Lagu Wajib Anak "Ku Ingin Jadi Anak Tuhan" PESPARAWI NASIONAL 2012, Kendari, Indonesia

3.Composer for Lagu Pilihan Male Choir "Turut SabdaMu" PESPARAWI NASIONAL 2012, Kendari, Indonesia

4.Composer for PESPARAWI NASIONAL 2015, Ambon, Indonesia "S'perti Embun Mengalir" and "Hidup Rukun Hadirkan Damai"

5.Composer for PESPARAWI NASIONAL 2018, Pontianak, Indonesia "Tuhan Penolongku"

6.Composer for PESPARAWI NASIONAL 2022, Jogjakarta, Indonesia "Uning-uningan Haleluya"

And numerous choral music composition for national and international choir competition